Friday, January 14, 2011

Protein Shakes Needed Part 2

Hi Friends,
I want to start by saying that I am fairly new at blogging and I tried to reply to the comment from HealthierMe and after writing it, I couldn't show my reply. I will talk with Jen and get some help. My reply went something like this as follows: I will be the first to admit that I am a nervous nelly when it comes to regaining back the weight that I worked so hard to lose. I can only speak about what works for me and I know that the healthy eating and exercise is the way to live as a successful maintainer. I also know that if I would have lived my life like that I would have never been over weight in the first place. I was an out of control eater and will always have to have my guard up and watch myself. There are many of you that would say that Optifast isn't natural or why would you do something so crazy like that. Well I no that after losing the weight, no one thought that I was crazy for losing the weight. I went for my weekly weigh in on Thursday and I achieved my goal of turning things around after a bad December with a 7 lb loss from last Thursday. I don't consider this a true loss because it is only the extra lbs for the holidays. Setting my self up for failure is not an option for me PERIOD!


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